Can Two-Factor Protect Democracy?
Millions of people use YubiKeys all across the globe, and our customers often share how they use YubiKeys at work…
What are Internet Security, Privacy and Encryption?
Internet security is a catch-all term for a very broad issue covering security for transactions made over the Internet. Generally, Internet security encompasses browser security, the security of data entered through web forms, and overall authentication and protection of data sent via Internet Protocol or IP. Internet security relies on specific resources and standards for protecting data that gets sent through the Internet. Insufficient Internet security can threaten to collapse an e-commerce business or any other operation where data gets routed over the Web. With ‘Security’ as-a-term we present topics related to any of Connect 2u2 Technologies Security Services.
Millions of people use YubiKeys all across the globe, and our customers often share how they use YubiKeys at work…
The Google G Suite for Business is now available on Connect! We've worked eloquently to add the G Suite to the…
After a successful deployment of FIDO U2F enabled YubiKeys for all its staff, Google is now seeing the benefits of…
From today on - Less than two months is left before browsers start penalizing sites without SSL. We've said it before,…
Every new web service daily discovered that looks promising and very good looking usually requires an email sign-up to use…
A few questions are arising about disabling XML-RPC on WordPress. To allay any confusion, it's good to elucidate exactly what…