What are Internet Security, Privacy and Encryption?
Internet security is a catch-all term for a very broad issue covering security for transactions made over the Internet. Generally, Internet security encompasses browser security, the security of data entered through web forms, and overall authentication and protection of data sent via Internet Protocol or IP. Internet security relies on specific resources and standards for protecting data that gets sent through the Internet. Insufficient Internet security can threaten to collapse an e-commerce business or any other operation where data gets routed over the Web. With ‘Security’ as-a-term we present topics related to any of Connect 2u2 Technologies Security Services.
Google’s Suprising Habits ~ New Look, Same Login?
If it’s Free, You’re the Product ~ Unroll.me is Selling Your Information
Resilio Sync ~ All Your Data, Across All Your Devices
SSL now enabled on all Doubleyoutoo.com.au Plans for the sake of a more secure 2017
Recently, there has been an unprecedented, stringent rush towards a more secure, SSL-protected online environment initiated by authorities like Google.…
Cyclone Debbie: Clouds Stormy, with a Chance of Malware
ONLYOFFICE Cloud Integration with Documents
As we just discovered the richness of ONLYOFFICE - The most complete and feature-rich office and productivity suite. - So we would…
Disposable Emails with Byom.de
Let’s Encrypt & HTTPS Everywhere
Security Starter Plan ~ Surveillance Self Defence
Modern technology has given those in power new abilities to eavesdrop and collect data on innocent people. Surveillance Self-Defense is…