Working with Connect 2u2 Web Technologies served us well. The basic website styling was prepared immediately. That included special functions, as sliders, grids, rows … Also, Connect advised us on choosing proper fonts, colours, typography and sizes first and then to apply web styles overall. That’s a professional service of high-end degree. Thank you!
We have been recommended to Connect 2u2 Web Technologies by Ategra IT in Darwin. That was back in 2013. They have provided us with a brand new website and since then, and since we have moved to a new location, they have offered us an exceptional Support, design hints and IT Support. Thank you guys!
Thanks for your help to date with everything. It was great working with you. If we will ever go into anything else and require a website we will give you a call. Outstanding support!
We have just launched our completely revamped website and couldn’t be any happier with the way the site turned out, and our experience with Whoops Online. They took our old website with outdated graphics, fonts, etc., and transformed it into a modern and incredibly attractive site.