Uros from Connect 2u2 has helped us achieve all desired effects on our website. We’re working in a specific industry brand, that is the brand and industry service for future generations to come, and we have some specific needs of how to present, promote and layout the content. At Connect they have helped us and supported every wish with exceptional outcomes on performance, design and content.
Uros from Connect has provided us with an outstanding support for our sites. In a short time span they have upgraded and secured all the websites of our companies all across Sydney. Not only that, they have secured some affected by malware and updated contents of others along the way. Also, before working with Uros I have never though that YouTube videos can be streamed without audio. Outstanding!
I put a simple web page together for our next journey. This time we want to do it over the full moon in December, full on! Would you be able to put this on the website and let subscribers know? Thank you.