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Updates to training packages that support your industry!
Updates to training packages that support your industry!
Keep up-to-date with updates and reviews of the Vocational Education & Training (VET) packages for your sector.
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) recently launched an interactive, user-friendly search tool to help you find out when training package work is scheduled for your industry.
The National Schedule tool has a list of all the training package review and development work currently underway by the AISC.
It is a single and complete source of information for people who want to be involved in consultations on skills needs in their sector. The schedule helps make sure employers are aware of changes happening in their sector, and prepares them for upcoming changes.
How can I get involved?
Businesses of all sizes are welcome to contribute to training package development.
Contact the Skills Service Organisations (SSO) that support your industry’s training package and play a part in the development of training packages.
What to do
- Search for training packages in your industry.
- Read more about the training packages.
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