More support now available to regional and metropolitan innovation hubs

More support now available to regional and metropolitan innovation hubs

Services under the Incubator Support initiative have been boosted to incubators and accelerators in metropolitan and regional areas.

Are you a new or existing incubator in regional Australia? Support for incubators has just been boosted under the Incubator Support initiative. This builds on nearly $5 million that has already been awarded to incubators across Australia.

What is the Incubator Support initiative?

If you are a new incubator or an existing high-performing incubator that wants to expand your services, the Incubator Support Initiative can assist you to better service Australian start-ups and help increase their chance of success in international markets.

What does the new funding support?

The increased funding will help new and existing incubators in regional and metropolitan areas.

Key changes to the initiative include:

  • more generous funding ratios for regional incubators who have at least 80% of their activities in regional locations
  • introduction of Regional Incubator Facilitators to assist regional applicants
  • access to public data for New and Existing Incubator grantees
  • incubator personnel can now increase their expertise and networks by visiting host incubators in Australia or overseas
  • a new maximum grant amount of $100,000 for Expert in Residence projects.

Information sessions

Information sessions will be delivered across a number of regional locations and a live national webinar will also be broadcast in early 2018. Details and registrations for these events will be published on shortly.

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