Greeting: HOW DO YOU DO?
Let me introduce myself. I’m an Intentional Home page. I’m a Home-page because I’m the first page you see after navigating to this website from a search engine, and I also serve as a landing page to attract your attention. As a general Home page I’m used to facilitate navigation to other pages on the site, by providing links to important and recent articles and pages, and possibly a search box. In the near future you might choose how I will look like. As such I’m also Intentional, created for the demonstrational purposes of Whoops Websites, and am showing you my design on a practical example. Thank you for coming by.
Question: HOW CAN WE HELP?
I’m a Professional website builder, based on Content Management Suite (CMS) and am enabling you to create a professional, responsive website of your own. An example of what I can do you can see here, on the Home page. It is designed as a Landing page, with all the necessary elements all aligned in rows and columns, with images and text, with titles and sub-titles. You can literally set up your website layout however you’d like. And all that without writing code 🙂 Read more about it in the boxes below.
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Offer: YOUR 60 MINTS
Today we live in a multi-channeled world and customers want to talk with us through a variety of different media. Some prefer the fast response and personalization of the phone, while others like the convenience and non-real-time nature of email or ticketing system. Live chat provides a bridge between these two and gives the customer and support agents the best—and worst—of both worlds! Of course, many customers today embrace some form of social communication, and this has changed the way companies interact in many ways. We will guide you through some of available strategies. Included with the setup plan you have 60 MINTS – Monthly Instruction, News and Troubleshooting Support. Read more on the Read more on Whoops Online
Brisbane, QLD
Sunshine Coast, QLD
Maroochydore, QLD
Caloundra, QLD
Mooloolaba, QLD
Noosa, QLD
Maleny, QLD
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