Top WooCommerce SEO Tips to Boost Your Ecommerce Store

Woocommerce E-commerce SEO Tips

So you are planning to start a new online ecommerce store? You have created a big plans for it and have selected great domain name and great hosting provider. No matter whatever you have done so far but WooCommerce SEO is one of the key area of your e-commerce website which you can never ignore. There are many hundreds of online stores and many thousands will be coming down the line. To keep your online store on top of search engine results is and will be a key factor for success and you can never afford to ignore this fact.

1. Give an attractive and catchy product title

Product title is the first phrase that comes to visitors mind and it also describes your product in just few words. So creating a small yet attractive product title will be our top most priority. All search engine follows some basics in ranking like title tags. Make sure you use proper keyword in your product title and it is getting enough weightage in terms of title tags. Prefer to use h1 title tag for your product title. Make sure your product title also gives maximum information to your visitors so if they are in hurry, they need not have to read the whole product description.

Important tip: Don’t just use simple product name as product title. Instead try to become creative and give unique and self explanatory title. This will help you stand out in crowd and will keep your customer engaged with your website.

How to boost SEO search results

2. Write a simple and to the point unique product description

Product description is second most important area of your product page and will have a great impact on your online search engine ranking. We have seen many web stores providing very generic description to their products. This is even more important when you have a product with many variations. Unique product descriptions or product page content plays major role in your SEO plan. Try to create very specific and simple description which gives all details to your customer. While writing content, make sure that you have covered all answers of questions a customer might have. For this put yourself in place of customer. As a rule, Google loves website with reasonable amount (more than 300 words) of descriptive words. Try to get above 300 unique words.

Customers usually do not like to read long descriptions in paragraph format. Hence try to segment key features of product and describe each one in simple language with appropriate images. Also choose attractive layout for your description so that your customer gets all information with just a flash of sight.

Important tip: Copying product description from original manufacturer may raise Google flag for duplicate content. This will not just harm your product page but also your website as a whole. Try to remain as unique as possible to avoid duplicate content penalty from search engine.

Images SEO Search World

3. WooCommerce SEO Tips: Images tells everything

Third most important area of your product page is images that represent your product. There are many variations here. For example, if you are selling physical products, displaying exact high quality images are of utmost importance. At the same time for service products, you need to choose images which actually represent your service. You can not just display image of mountain for photography service. Image must give some basic information about your product to your visitor.

Important tip: Google loves images. Hence it is an important source of visitors not only from web search but also image search as well. Now to rank higher in search engine, we need to tell search engine a lot of information regarding image. This information can not be simple image name or numbers. You need to give proper image name, ALT text and caption to each image. Incorporating your product keyword in this will be great idea.

4. Create productive internal linking structure & easy navigation

You have done lot of hard work by creating thousands of products. Now we can understand that how much painful it is to create unique titles, description and images for each and every product on your woostore. After doing so much of work, what if your website is not easily crawlable by search engine or what if your customer can not find products which they are looking for. So creating a nicely planned deep internal linking structure for your website is a next big thing for SEO. Using simple breadcrumbs, similar products are few examples of creating good internal linking structure.

Important Tips: Problem with these tools are that they use same anchor text each time and that may have some negative impact on your ranking. Google loves linking but using them extensively may also harm your ranking. So be very specific in link selection. Use as many possible keyword variation as possible as anchor text for links. Try to use in sentence internal links instead of generic links like related products or sidebar widgets.

5. No shortcuts for external link building & Monitoring your links

External Link building was once upon a time had a great impact on search engine ranking. It is still having reasonable amount of percentage in recent days. But using Black Hat SEO techniques and artificial or paid back links will hurt your website for sure. You will come across many websites offering SEO & Back link services for $5 only but stay away from them. Instead try to create inbound links by writing great articles related to your products on blog associated with your web store. Also provide incentive to your customer for writing reviews and sharing your articles on your social networks.

Always keep track of your external link profile using Google search console and disvoaw any links not relevant to your website. External links from spamming websites can hurt your google search ranking. Your competitors can also create backlinks to your web store from spammy link and hence back kink monitoring needs to be in your weekly plan of action.

Important Tips: Never get trapped into lucrative offers of getting thousands of backlinks for just $5. You will get back links but there is no point if they are going to hurt you. Checking for broken links using Broken Link Checker plugin and 404 errors in Google Search Console will also help you in giving perfect shape to your link profile.

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6. Use all Google services and Features

Google not just ranks webpages but it also helps developers understand its algorithm. It also provide cool services to enhance your ranking and understand search engine behaviour over a period of time. Create some interesting videos about your products and publish them on Youtube. Use Google +, google local, google business pages etc. and try to create good online presence and reputation. As you move ahead, follow your analytics in Google search console and google analytics to understand more about keywords and your customers.

Rich snippets feature of Google search result is also utmost importance to tell google more about your product. Rich snippet will not improve your ranking but search result will look attractive and will definitely help in improving CTR. All In One Rich Snippets plugin for WordPress will be usefulfor adding various schema to your product.

SEO for your WooCommerce Store is continuous process

Google and other search engines are continuously improving their searching algorithm. Hence, your search engine optimization needs to be a continuous process. You can not simply finish it one time and neglect afterwards. Also understand that your competitors are equally efficient and intelligent so you can not afford to loose strings even for few days. Also please note that, this article is mainly written with WooCommerce for WordPress in mind but concepts remain same for almost any kind of website.

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According to everything above, the Connect 2u2 Team is supporting clients with 100% Advanced SEO Services including techniques how to boost online search results, how to engage with active traffic, how to attract potential visitors and convert them to customers. Connect 2u2 SEO Services include Basic and Advanced Monthly SEO Support plans with any of the available Starter, Business or WordPress Hosting Plans. All in one SEO services with 100% growth guaranteed.

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